
AMFPro anuncia que Chivas ha llegado a un arreglo con sus jugadores y podrá registrar refuerzos rumbo al Apertura (ESPN)

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Why Does Harrison Ford Love Indy And Hate Han?

Why Does Harrison Ford Love Indy And Hate Han? With Alden Ehrenreich about to take on the Solo mantle (with Ford's much-publicized blessing), perhaps now the Indy versus Han matter is finally settled for Ford. Question is, why did he pick a favorite in the first place? May 23, 2018 at 03:54AM via Digg

NFL aprueba medida en la que los jugadores deben quedarse de pie durante el himno; se autoriza permanecer en el vestidor (ESPN)

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🚨ÚLTIMO MOMENTO: NFL aprueba nueva política con respecto al himno nacional 🇺🇸 (ESPN)

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Royals need 51 off 24 balls to knock KKR out and take a step closer to the IPL final. Can they do it? Follow the finish here. (ESPN)

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Breaking: NFL owners approve new policy requiring players on field to stand for anthem but gives option to remain in locker room (ESPN)

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👊🏼 MMA: ESPN acuerda cinco años por los derechos de transmisión de UFC (ESPN)

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